Who is Ken Loi?
The rise of a Legend, kind of I born ordinary, but I wish I would not die ordinary. This may sound sad, but NO! I am very positive that I am leaving good things behind. I was born and raised in a wonderful place called Malacca. If you never heard of Malacca before, you better do some homework, Malacca is very historical place filled with cultural diversity and lots of good foods. Trust me, all the foods are uniquely nice! I lived a humble and simple life, until I grew old enough and exposed to this great big world. Being born in 1988, I am lucky enough to have first hand experience to some of the greatest changes throughout human history. For example, the blooming of Internet, the evolution of Computer and Smartphone, the advancement of electric driven transportation, etc. Mostly are tech based revolutions. However, the thing that really changed my life is Photography. I am not as talented nor resourceful when I first captured the set of images that wow-...